The Corda Pain Institute is your convenient destination for professional Cherry Hill pain management doctors. Our facility is right here in town serving the area, and we are leaders in innovative and non-invasive pain management techniques. Our mission every day is providing you with a better quality of life and patient care, with comprehensive diagnostics and a wide range of treatment options.
Our board-certified pain management physicians are well-versed in anesthesiology, pain medicines and preventing subsequent addictions. Your continued health is our priority, and we discuss all of your treatment options to find what works best for you.
Our Cherry Hill Pain Management Services
The Corda Pain Institute’s services for Cherry Hill residents include:
Back and Spine Pain Treatment. We treat back and spinal pain with facet injections, epidural injections, medical pain management and more. We will diagnose the true cause of your chronic back pain, and develop the best treatment plan with you to achieve a pain-free life.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. We offer a variety of treatments for patients suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome, including injection and medicinal treatments. In addition to helping you manage the pain, we help you change behaviors and live your life normally again.
Neck Pain. We will review your symptoms with you and pinpoint the cause of your neck pain, and help you select the best treatment options, from medical pain management to stimulation or injections.
Auto and Workplace Injuries. Corda Pain Institute is a state licensed center for treating auto and workplace injuries. We treat your injuries with both surgical and non-surgical options, including regenerative treatment, epidural and facet injections and more.
We work with your preferences when it comes to your treatment…whether you prefer a more conservative or a more modernized approach, we work with you to find a treatment plan that suits your objectives.
If you have been struggling with pain for too long, it’s time to take control of your life again. Reach out to the Corda Pain Institute today, or use this online form to request an appointment. We are the answer to your search for Cherry Hill pain management doctors – we can help you live a pain-free life again!