Jeffrey Polcer, D.O.


Dr. Jeffery Polcer has been treating chronic pain in Southern New Jersey for the past 25 years. Five years ago, he became Board-Certified in Addiction Medicine to expand his treatment focus to those patients struggling with addiction issues.

After completing medical school at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – School of Osteopathic Medicine and residency training at the Kennedy Health System, he received fellowship training in Pain Management through the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. He later became Board-Certified in both Anesthesia and Pain Management.

During the ensuing years, Dr. Polcer became certified in varied techniques including radiofrequency ablation, nucleoplasty, and spinal cord stimulation to name just a few. He regularly uses nerve blocks, epidural injections, joint injections, and facet injections to help control chronic pain syndrome.

When medications are used, they are chosen carefully, conservatively, and most importantly, in a safe manner. His specialty training in Addiction Medicine has become helpful in recognizing, treating, and preventing substance abuse issues.

Dr. Polcer is a member of the Spine Intervention Society, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, and the American Academy of Pain Management. He is committed to helping alleviate chronic pain in those suffering from this debilitating condition.